Earth Goddess Pendants

Earth Goddess Pendant

Every culture has their own version of the Earth Goddess. The Greeks called her Gaia, while the Incas know her as PachaMama She is the Goddess of all life, the very soul of the earth, offering life and nourishment to all of us, her children. In the ancient civilizations, she was revered as mother, nurturer and giver of life. It’s she who created and sustained us, and to whom we return to upon our death.

The decline of the respect towards the Earth Goddess began with the advancement of Patriarchal societies which can be noted as far back as 3500 BC. During the 19th and 20th centuries within the dark ages, witch hunts further allowed these patriarchal societies to increase their domination towards the subtle beauty and healing powers of the feminine energy. Women’s bodies which were once sacred, now became simple objects of sexual desire, criticism or disgust. Women forgot they were the beautiful and mysterious chosen ones who were gifted to bring forth life between the two worlds.

As respect for the Goddess energy decreased the collective consciousness soon forgot about the abundance of love received from the Earth. Instead of nurturing her sacred compassion, many people began to devour her generosity with greed, hunger and disrespect, until she too became ravished and tired.

Although somewhat slow, thankfully opinions are beginning to change. A unique tribe of people have begun to awaken and remember the ancient wisdom. In doing so, they are now celebrating and nurturing the Earth Goddess. 

The Earth Goddess pendants were created with much love as a way to remind women to rise up again and shine in their true glory and to walk beside their awakening brothers as warriors of a new world. To do this we must reclaim back our bodies and our voices so that we too can remember that within our own immense light we too are sacred, inspiring and powerful. Every scar, every wrinkle, every curve we own is a beautiful reflection of our divine feminine. 

Just as we see beauty in nature we must also see it in ourselves, as by loving and respecting who we are, we can give the Earth Goddess back the conscious light of love she fully deserves. 

Each Earth Goddess Pendant is unique and handmade with pure love

Available direct from Enchanted Fields @ £15.00 each (+ P&P if sent via post)

Contact Enchanted Fields direct for more information and to select your unique Earth Goddess 

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